WORK ID: YFA 1413 (Master Record)
Title | Year | Date |
YORK LORD MAYOR'S PARADE 1984 AND GALA | 1984 | 1984-01-01 |
Original Format: Super 8 Colour: Colour Sound: Sound Duration: 24 mins Credits: Rev. David Simpson Subject: ARTS / CULTURE CELEBRATIONS / CEREMONIES ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE |
Summary This is a film made by the Rev. David Simpson of the Lord Mayor's Parade and Gala in York in 1984. |
This is a film made by the Rev. David Simpson of the Lord Mayor's Parade and Gala in York in 1984.
Title - DCE films Production: York Lord Mayor's Parade 1984 and Gala
Organised by the York Junior Chamber of Commerce
Filmed by David Simpson
The film begins with a Marks and Spencer float going through a gate and before the table of judges, including the Lord Mayor. The judges look on and have a chuckle at the various floats pass by and often comic dressing up and acting. Among...
This is a film made by the Rev. David Simpson of the Lord Mayor's Parade and Gala in York in 1984.
Title - DCE films Production: York Lord Mayor's Parade 1984 and Gala
Organised by the York Junior Chamber of Commerce
Filmed by David Simpson
The film begins with a Marks and Spencer float going through a gate and before the table of judges, including the Lord Mayor. The judges look on and have a chuckle at the various floats pass by and often comic dressing up and acting. Among the first are ones for the Midland Bank and Terry's Chocolate, with people dressed in historic costume. These are followed by floats for: Friends of Northfield, wearing World War Two dress; St Aelred's Church, with members singing and clapping; a steam traction engine; Isaac Poad and Sons; the Gemini Club, landing on the moon; and a float depicting the history of bowls. Tetley's horse drawn carriage is unloaded from a lorry, and the Shire horse has a drink. Then comes the Royal Observer Corps, the Scouts, 'a century of fire fighting in York', and a float for John Goodricke, 'York's deaf astronomer'.
Two boys in costume have a game of 'slapsies'. The St John Ambulance stops for refreshment, as do the judges and a Highland pipe band. The floats line up in a parade and start out with a gas storage tank in the background. Spectators line the streets. The parade gets underway headed by a brass band and the Lord Mayor in a horse drawn carriage. Among the many floats that pass by are ones for North Yorkshire County Libraries, York Theatre Royal, and York and District Netball. A large crowd has gathered outside the Minster to watch the parade, with floats for Mencap and the Royal Mail. The parade is filmed from various locations as it passes through the city centre.
At the finish of the parade, the Mayor hands out the prizes with much jollity. Some people, including the actor Simon Ward who played Jesus in the York Mystery Plays of that year, take a camel ride. Adults and children have a go at archery with the Ebor Archers of York. There is a brief look at the evening fireworks display before returning to see more prizes being handed out. Visitors walk around the stalls and displays, and the film finishes with fire-fighters giving a demonstration of dealing with a fire at a road traffic accident.