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DetailsOriginal Format: Standard 8 Colour: Colour Sound: Silent Duration: 12 mins 27 secs
Summary Members of Rowntrees department store at Scarborough parade through the town for the annual Benelux Festival. The theme for 1966 is 'Northern Lights'.
Members of Rowntrees department store at Scarborough parade through the town for the annual Benelux Festival. The theme for 1966 is 'Northern Lights'.
The film opens showing a parade float going past, the passengers on it sit under a canopy which bears the name ‘Folklore in Oslo Dance Group’.
A float passes celebrating the work of the Y.M.C.A. Next a troop of boy scouts march past another float celebrates the jubilee of the wolf cub scouts movement. Heavy horses pull a dray...
Members of Rowntrees department store at Scarborough parade through the town for the annual Benelux Festival. The theme for 1966 is 'Northern Lights'.
The film opens showing a parade float going past, the passengers on it sit under a canopy which bears the name ‘Folklore in Oslo Dance Group’.
A float passes celebrating the work of the Y.M.C.A. Next a troop of boy scouts march past another float celebrates the jubilee of the wolf cub scouts movement. Heavy horses pull a dray loaded with beer barrels. Scarborough Hotels are advertised on another float where someone dressed as a viking stands alongside the representation of a longship.
The floats are held up for a while, then other parade members appear riding on horseback wearing medieval costume. Ringtons Tea have entered a small horse drawn van in the parade, followed on by a modern motorised delivery van.
More parade members follow on, including a singing group called Cardows Cadets. A group of donkeys and their handlers walk past.
Then the film cuts to an exterior view of Rowntrees department store in Scarborough. The Norwegian flag is carried by standard bearers at the head of the parade, followed by a wind band.
The film moves on to Rowntrees store staff getting ready for the parade in their costumes. They stand just inside the store waiting to come out, some onlookers wait at the door. When they emerge, they go straight into one of Rowntrees delivery vans to be taken to the start of the parade.
The film moves on to crowds waiting on the pavement outside the store, expecting to see the parade. The Norwegian band goes past, followed by a sports car carrying a girl and Jimmy Savile both draped with Norwegian flags. The camera quickly scans over other groups in the parade [some over exposure on film]
A Scots pipe bands marches past, followed by the Rowntrees ‘Northern Lights’ float and its entourage as balloons and streamers are released from the upper windows of the store.
A large steam powered traction engine pulls a float behind it advertising Scarborough Spa.
A view of the parade pavement amongst the crowds on the pavement shows a brass band going past. From an upper floor window in the store the parade continues on into the distance More views follow of other floats going past the store [some over exposure].
The film looks down on the crowds on the pavement below, then cuts to inside the store and a display of Hornsea pottery, views follow of staff on the department floor which ends the film