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DetailsOriginal Format: Standard 8 Colour: Colour Sound: Silent Duration: 6 mins 15 secs Credits: John Scott Forsyth Genre: Home Movie
Subject: Travel Sport
Summary The first of two-home movies produced by John Scott Forsyth featuring bullfighting taking place in the French town of Bayonne filmed while on a trip to Lourdes. Inside a stadium a large crowd watches as a series of matador’s take on several bulls for their entertainment.
The first of two-home movies produced by John Scott Forsyth featuring bullfighting taking place in the French town of Bayonne filmed while on a trip to Lourdes. Inside a stadium a large crowd watches as a series of matador’s take on several bulls for their entertainment.
Inside a stadium a matador on horseback leads his companions into the arena watched by large crowds. Another matador on horseback rides around the edge of the arena, while in the centre a lone matador takes on the bull. He...
The first of two-home movies produced by John Scott Forsyth featuring bullfighting taking place in the French town of Bayonne filmed while on a trip to Lourdes. Inside a stadium a large crowd watches as a series of matador’s take on several bulls for their entertainment.
Inside a stadium a matador on horseback leads his companions into the arena watched by large crowds. Another matador on horseback rides around the edge of the arena, while in the centre a lone matador takes on the bull. He waves his cape which the bull charges. A small crowd gather around the now dead animal followed by another fight. Several more matadors come out to take on the bull, sometimes in groups of two or three. The now dead bull is dragged by horse around the arena followed by the matadors waving at the crowds.
More bullfighting with the animal attacking a matador atop a horse, the stadium crowds clapping wildly. As the bull becomes more exhausted two more matadors come into the arena. The beast collapses and the crowds jump to their feet. Another fight gets underway, with the film ending on the matadors leaving the stadium and another bull being dragged around the arena.