WORK ID: NEFA 23077 (Master Record)
Title | Year | Date |
Original Format: VHS Colour: Colour Sound: Sound Duration: 2 hrs 4 mins 25 secs Credits: Bryan McIvor, Howard Walkington, Film Entertainment Video Services Genre: Commercial Subject: Sport |
Summary A sports presentation produced by Bryan McIvor of Film Entertainment Video Services of an ice hockey match between the Cleveland Bombers and the Durham Wasps taking place Billingham Forum leisure centre on Sunday 3rd February 1991. Presented by Howard Walkington the film begins with interviews with Dave Bell, team manager of the Cleveland Bombers and Durham Wasp’s coach-player Paul Smith. Howard Walkington provides a commentary for the complete match which was won by Durham Wasps. |
A sports presentation produced by Bryan McIvor of Film Entertainment Video Services of an ice hockey match between the Cleveland Bombers and the Durham Wasps taking place Billingham Forum leisure centre on Sunday 3rd February 1991. Presented by Howard Walkington the film begins with interviews with Dave Bell, team manager of the Cleveland Bombers and Durham Wasp’s coach-player Paul Smith. Howard Walkington provides a commentary for the complete match which was won by Durham Wasps.
A sports presentation produced by Bryan McIvor of Film Entertainment Video Services of an ice hockey match between the Cleveland Bombers and the Durham Wasps taking place Billingham Forum leisure centre on Sunday 3rd February 1991. Presented by Howard Walkington the film begins with interviews with Dave Bell, team manager of the Cleveland Bombers and Durham Wasp’s coach-player Paul Smith. Howard Walkington provides a commentary for the complete match which was won by Durham Wasps.
The Billingham Forum leisure centre on The Causeway in Billingham.
Title: Premier Division. Cleveland Bombers vs. Durham Wasps (League Leaders)
Title: At the Ice Bowl, Billingham on Sunday 3rd February 1991
In the entranceway of the leisure centre presenter Howard Walkington to camera introducing the film and discuses the upcoming ice hockey game between the Cleveland Bombers and Durham Wasps providing information on both teams and previous games.
Ringside interview with Dave Bell, team manager of the Cleveland Bombers about the season so far and how they will play tonight. Spectators stand around the ringside changes to interview with Durham Wasp’s coach-player Paul Smith about their defeat at the weekend and the season so far.
A capacity crowd fill the seating around the ice ring, on the ice the two teams are both in huddles discussing tactics for the upcoming game. Both teams move into their opening line-up and the game gets underway with commentary by Howard Walkington.
The Cleveland Bombers score the opening goal in the first period, but lose out to Durham Wasps over the following two period. Durham Wasps player Anthony Payne received medical treatment on the ice for an injury before retiring from the game. During the third period a dispute breaks out between some of the Cleveland Bomber players and some of the spectators. The game comes to an end with Durham Wasps defeating the Cleveland Bombers 7-4. Both teams form a line and shake each other’s hands, the British Player of the Month trophy and £50 cheque is presented to Adrian Smith of Cleveland Bomber. The Man of the Match award is presented to both Durham Wasps player Anthony Payne and Terry Ward of Cleveland Bombers. They players leave the ice-ring to the applause of the audience.