WORK ID: NEFA 23144 (Master Record)
Title | Year | Date |
Original Format: 16mm Colour: Colour Sound: Silent Duration: 24 mins 58 secs Credits: Scottish Instructional Films Genre: Instructional Subject: Sport |
Summary A two-reel instructional angling film produced by Scottish Instructional Films with equipment supplied by House of Hardy in Alnwick. Two fishing champions Captain Tommy Edwards and Barrie Welham teach a group of angles the correct techniques for fishing Trout and Salmon along the river Spey near Loch Lomond. The two men also take part in the Scottish National Casting Tournament at Callendar House, Falkirk with the film ending with anglers fishing on Loch Maree in Wester Ross. |
A two-reel instructional angling film produced by Scottish Instructional Films with equipment supplied by House of Hardy in Alnwick. Two fishing champions Captain Tommy Edwards and Barrie Welham teach a group of angles the correct techniques for fishing Trout and Salmon along the river Spey near Loch Lomond. The two men also take part in the Scottish National Casting Tournament at Callendar House, Falkirk with the film ending with anglers fishing on Loch Maree in Wester Ross.
Title: Angling...
A two-reel instructional angling film produced by Scottish Instructional Films with equipment supplied by House of Hardy in Alnwick. Two fishing champions Captain Tommy Edwards and Barrie Welham teach a group of angles the correct techniques for fishing Trout and Salmon along the river Spey near Loch Lomond. The two men also take part in the Scottish National Casting Tournament at Callendar House, Falkirk with the film ending with anglers fishing on Loch Maree in Wester Ross.
Title: Angling – Casting Methods of the Masters
Credit: Presented by the Scottish Council of Physical Recreation with the Co-operation of Hardy Bros. Ltd., Alnwick
Title: Moorland Source of River
In the Scottish Highlands heather and gorse growing around a spring becomes a stream. The stream becomes the fast-flowing river passing through a woodland landscape.
Title: Loch Lomond
The waters of Loch Lomond, in the distance hills and mountains. In a small bay on the loch a rowing boat with one man at the ores, the other standing and fishing.
A man gets into the passenger seat of car parked near to a road sign for ‘Grantown’.
Title: Angling Course Headquarters
Children walk under a glass canopy of the Palace Hotel at Grantown-on-Spey. A car pulls up outside and a man in a kilt walks over to greet the driver accompanied a small dog. The drive gets out to speak with the man.
Title: Checking pupils’ equipment at start of course
At the rear of the Palace Hotel a group of men stand prepare their rods and chat with each other. A man and woman wearing a red cardigan offer advice and helps to adjust various reels and rods. One man wearing a kilt helps a women with her casting method.
Title: Captain Tommy Edwards (World Champion) demonstrates variety of equipment
A small group watches Captain Edwards prepare to cast.
Title: Barrie Welham (British and European Champion) instructs pupils
In a field Barrie Welham stands behind a second man holding his wrist showing him how to cast. Along the edge of the grass others practice their casting methods.
Title: Captain Edward demonstrates Trout and Salmon distance casting
A group of men stand around Captain Edwards watching as he casts his line changes to a sign on a wall that reads ‘To the River Spey’, beneath it an ‘Amenities and Association Notice Board’.
The River Spay travelling downstream over rocks and under a stone bridge.
Title: “Master” on the river. Edgar May, Lionel Sweet
Along the shoreline of the Spey a man casts his line into the water, a second man sits on the bank beside him watching. A group stand around a Captain Edwards as he casts into the water. He reels in his line stepping back from the edge.
A pair of hands opens a box containing an assortment of fishing flies, one is selected.
Title: Wet fly casting Trout rod
Title: Two common errors. (A) Excessive wrist action goes to far back
A close up of a man’s arm, his wrist flicking his rod back and forth.
Title: (B) Excessive lift excessive shoulder action
The man again this time lifting his arm higher into the air as he casts his rod into the water.
Title: Correct action
The man gently casts his line into the water pulling on the excess.
Title: Dry fly action
From the banks of a river another man casts his rod back before flicking it towards the water, he pulls on the reel line each time. From behind him the line flicks over the water roughly in the middle of the river.
Title: Correct hold and arm and wrist action
Captain Edwards stands with his back to the water gently casting his rod, beside him two men watch his actions. He repeats the actions, but this time casting into the river. Again, he is watched by a small group.
A woman comes over to stand with Captain Edwards on a small spit, he shows her how to cast her line. Behind them watching a Spaniel dog.
Title: Fly casting Salmon rod
Title: Two common errors. (A) Late lift-rod too far back
A man seen previously now with a cigarette in his mouth casts a rod into the water.
Title: (B) Pushing from shoulder excessive use of lower hand
Again, the man casts his rod pushing it from the base.
Title: Correct body and arm action
The rod is correctly used being moved back and forth in a flicking motion.
Title: Correct body and arm action
Captain Edwards stands with his rod held in the air, his feet slightly apart. In the background two men and a woman watch. He then casts his line into the water, the rod moved back and forth.
On the spit of land seen previously Captain Edwards assists a second women with her casting method.
Title: “Spey Casting” lift-circle-deliver
A man casts his rod with a series of quick, firm movements.
Title: “Spey Casting” lift-circle-deliver
Along the edge of the River Spey a second man casts his rod into the fast-flowing water using the methods outlined previously. A dog wonders along the riverbank beside its master.
Title: “Double Spey Cast”
The man casts his line further into the water using a number of quick, firm movements before pulling on the line.
The second reel begins with a pair of hands opening a box of fishing flies and taking out a bait fly.
Title: Bait casting. Common fault pushing from shoulder and with lower hand
The man seen earlier in similar sequences casts his rod several times, thrusting into the air from the base.
Title: Correct method. Not how butt comes into body
The man casts again with a smother motion not pushing the base into the air as before. With a loaded bait attached to the line he casts again into the water several time.
Along the banks of the Spey Captain Edwards shows the students the correct movements of the rod before casting his line into the water several times.
Title: Casting with ‘Elarex’ and ‘Altex’ reels
A younger man in a suit and hat stands on the riverbank of the Spey casting his rod several times. A second man walks along a path towards a third sitting off camera, he holds out a small metal tin. Beside the water the first man continues to cast, nearby a second man begins to cast his line into the waters.
A third man comes over and is shown how to hold the rod by the second man. The second man wades into the water up to his knees still casting his line, a net is hooked onto his waders. He reels in his line.
Title: How to fish a Salmon pool
Using a walking stick Captain Edwards carefully walkout into the River Spey carrying a fishing rod.
Title: Casting method when obstructed at rear
Captain Edwards now stands in the river reeling in his line, behind him standing on the shoreline a second man watching. He makes a number of casts into the fast-flowing water.
Title: Salmon fly fishing
Standing in water up to his thighs Captain Edwards casts his line flicking the rod back and forth gently. As he continues to fish, he walks carefully down the middle of the river before turning and carefully making his way out of the water and up an embankment, behind him a train passes along the tracks.
Title: Gaffing
Captain Edwards shows how to hold a hook changes to two men in the river using said hook to catch a fish and bring it to shore. Captain Edwards now stands in the middle of a river, catches a fish and with swift movements uses to hook the fish before walking back towards shore.
Several cars parked in front of the Nethy Bridge Hotel at Nethy Bridge. In a field, possibly at the rear of the hotel and older man wearing a kilt cast a rod watched by a small group of people. The crowd gathers around a second man as he makes several casts. Outside the front the hotel five men stand holding up the fish they have caught.
Title: Scottish National Casting Tournament Callendar House, Falkirk 1955
Title: Captain Edwards and his equipment (supplied by Hardy Brothers)
In a field Captain Edwards looks over a series of fishing rods resting against a post, behind him three men stand chatting beside a van. He checks over the reel of one of the rods.
Title: Trout fly accuracy casting
A man watches as Captain Edwards casts his rod into a river, he kneels down for several of his casts. A crowd gathers around another man casting from a wooden jetty.
Title: Bait accuracy casting
Along a riverbank Captain Edwards is watched as he casts his line into the water, his fly hitting the water between sets of circular markers.
Title: Barrie Welham (winner). Competing in 3/8 oz bait distance event
Away from the water Barrie Welham holds his rod high in the air moving it back and forth in a circular motion before casting it.
Title: 5/8 oz bait distance casting
Again, Barrie Welham now using a heavier bait holds his rod high in the air moving it back and forth in a circular motion before casting it. A woman walks through a crowd standing along the riverbank chatting or watching other casting.
Title: Loch Maree
Cars are parked outside Loch Maree Hotel at Gairloch. On the loch four men in a rowing boat, one man rowing the others holding fishing rods. The boat slowly moves with the current as the fishmen cast their lines into the water.
Another boat, this one with an outboard motor makes its way towards shore, one of the men pulls the boat closer to the shore and helps the two fishermen out.
The film ends on a panorama of Loch Maree and the sun setting over the water.
End credit: Produced & distributed by Scottish Instructional Films Eaglesham, Glasgow