WORK ID: YFA 6790 (Master Record)
Title | Year | Date |
WESTERN LAKELAND | 1959 | 1959-01-01 |
Original Format: 16mm Colour: Colour Sound: Silent Duration: 17 mins 28 secs Credits: Produced by Youth Hostel Association (Lakeland Region). Genre: Documentary Subject: Rural Life Environment/Nature Countryside/Landscapes Agriculture |
Summary This is a promotional film from the Youth Hostels Association Collection which features hostels and scenic locations around the Lake District National Park. |
This is a promotional film from the Youth Hostels Association Collection which features hostels and scenic locations around the Lake District National Park.
Title Card - ‘YHA Lakeland Region Presents’.
Title Card - ‘Western Lakeland’.
Intertitle - ‘The walker can cross on foot from dale to dale on Lill paths. For the cyclist good and quiet roads pass all the lakes and go up every dale.’
A map of the Lake District National Park is shown.
A steam engine (labelled British Railways on the...
This is a promotional film from the Youth Hostels Association Collection which features hostels and scenic locations around the Lake District National Park.
Title Card - ‘YHA Lakeland Region Presents’.
Title Card - ‘Western Lakeland’.
Intertitle - ‘The walker can cross on foot from dale to dale on Lill paths. For the cyclist good and quiet roads pass all the lakes and go up every dale.’
A map of the Lake District National Park is shown.
A steam engine (labelled British Railways on the tender) is shown travelling past on the railway, pulling carriages. The board on the side of a carriage reads ‘London - Windermere’.
A red bus drives down the street. The destination on the bus reads ‘Windermere’. Swans are shown on a lake. Boats are shown on a lake. Pink flowers are shown.
A sign is shown which reads ‘The National Trust, Cockshott Point’. Boats are shown on a lake.
Intertitle - ‘From Windermere the route crosses the lake at Ferry Nab & goes by the Sawreys to Esthwaite Water & Hawkshead Youth Hostel.’
A map appears, showing youth hostels in the Lake District. A black car is shown driving onto a ferry. A boy looks over the side of the ferry at the water. Blossom trees are shown. A sign reads ‘Far Sawrey’. A sign reads ‘Hill Top, Beatrix Potter’s House is the first house on the left in the next village (¾ mile)’.
Houses in the village are shown. Beatrix Potter’s house is shown. A landscape shot of water is shown. A signpost is shown which reads ‘Hawkshead’. A sign with the YHA logo is shown. The Youth Hostel at Hawkshead is shown. Blossoms in the trees are shown. The landscape surrounding the building is shown.
Intertitle - ‘In Picturesque Hawkshead is Ann Tyson’s cottage where Wordsworth lived when he attended school here.’
Houses and village buildings are shown. A signpost reads ‘Coniston’ and ‘The Tarns’. Landscape shots of water and mountains are shown. A signpost reads ‘Coniston’. Flowers are shown. The youth hostel at Coniston is shown.?? A woman is shown sitting outside on a bench. Interior bunk beds are shown. A couple is shown walking towards Ruskin Museum. The couple are shown walking uphill on a grassy track. A youth hostel is shown (Coniston??). People are standing outside the building feeding a goat. A YHA sign is on the entrance to the building. Three men are shown walking in a row carrying metal bins.
Intertitle - ‘From Coniston a broad hill track crosses the fells south of the ‘Old Man’ into Dunnerdale, the valley of the river Duddon’.
A group of people are shown walking downhill; there are hills in the background. The group are then shown walking uphill elsewhere. A churchyard is shown. A waterfall is shown. People are shown walking on the rocks next to the waterfall. A stone bridge is shown. Mountain landscapes are shown.
Intertitle - ‘Near the head of Dunnerdale, Duddon Youth Hostel’.
Duddon Youth Hostel is shown. A group of people are shown standing outside the building. A duckling is shown on the floor. Two people are shown pushing bikes up a hill.
Intertitle - ‘By the Roman Road and Roman Camp on Hardknott Pass we reach the Youth Hostel in Eskdale, Lakeland’s grandest valley’.
The two people continue pushing their bikes uphill. Mountain landscapes are shown. Greenery is shown. The Youth Hostel in Eskdale is shown. People are shown standing outside the building.
Intertitle ‘Eskdale Y.H. is the starting point for the ascent of Scafell Pikes (3210ft) England’s highest mountain.’
A map appears which shows Eskdale and Scafell Pike. A group of people are shown hiking through the countryside. A group of people are shown at the summit of Scafell Pike. The exterior of a youth hostel is shown.
Intertitle - ‘A miniature railway runs down Eskdale to the coast at Ravenglass.’
People are shown riding on the miniature railway. Pink flowers are shown.
Intertitle - ‘Fell paths and by-roads lead from Eskdale to Windsor Farm, Nether Wasdale Youth Hostel, and to the grandeur of Wast Water.’
A sign reads ‘YHA Windsor Farm’. The Youth Hostel at Windsor Farm is shown. Mountain Landscapes and bodies of water are shown.
Intertitle - ‘From Wasdale Head a path crosses by Black Sail pass to Ennerdale and Gillerthwaite Youth Hostel’.
A map appears which shows Gillerthwaite. A man wearing a rucksack walks towards a gate. A baby goat is shown on the ground. Mountain landscapes are shown. A couple are shown climbing over a wooden stile. A man walks across a narrow plank-like bridge over a river. Black Sail Youth Hostel is shown. A lady is sitting outside. Mountain landscapes are shown. A sign on a gate reads ‘Forestry Commission, take care, do not start fire’. A small child with a bag is shown walking around on a small hill. Buildings are shown, along with sheep in a field. A man with a dog is shown standing in a doorway. Chickens, chicks and ducks are shown wandering around on the ground. Mountain landscapes and bodies of water are shown.
Intertitle - ‘A few miles from Ennerdale are St. Bees Y.H. and the sands and cliffs at St. Bees Head.’
A sign reads ‘St. Bees’. People are shown standing outside of St. Bees Youth Hostel; one of them has a map. Landscape shots of the seaside are shown; two men are shown walking down the beach across the sand. The waves in the sea are shown.
Intertitle - ‘North of Ennerdale rises Red Pike, and a grand viewpoint on the way to Buttermere and Crummock Water.’
A sign reads ‘To Red Pike’ with an arrow pointing to the right. A view from the mountains overlooking the water is shown. Views of rocky mountains are shown.
Intertitle - ‘From Buttermere a road runs to Cockermouth, an old town with Wordsworth’s birthplace, a ruined castle and a Youth Hostel.’
Mountain and Water landscapes are shown. A red bus drives around the corner on a winding mountain road. The bus destination reads ‘Cockermouth’. A sign reads ‘Y.H.A.’ with an arrow pointing to the right. A building is shown. A sign reads ‘The National Trust, Wordsworth House, open on weekdays 9am-5.30pm, admission 6”, please ring.’ A building is shown next to the road.
A stone plaque reads ‘On the 17th May 1568 there came to this house as a guest of Henry Fletcher ESO Mary Queen of Scots on her journey from Workington to Carlisle.’
The Youth Hostel at Cockermouth is shown. People are shown feeding sheep outside of the building. A sign on a post reads ‘The National Trust - Honister’. A group of people are shown walking down a track to a river where they step across on the stones in the river. The group walk down to a lake where they sit on the bank. Mountains are seen in the background. Mountain landscapes are shown. A large stone building is shown, and a horse sits in the field in front of the building. A group of people are sitting outside the front of the building at a table. One lady brings out a tray of teacups.
End screen - maroon colour.