WORK ID: NEFA 23600 (Master Record)
Title | Year | Date |
SPITZBERGEN | 1954 | 1954-01-01 |
Original Format: 16mm Colour: Black & White Sound: Silent Duration: 11 mins 45 secs Credits: Jack Stoddart Genre: Amateur Subject: Countryside/Landscapes Entertainment/Leisure Environment/Nature Ships |
Summary An amateur film made by Jack Stoddart primarily features men working onboard a trawler boat from Hull fishing for Cod in the Norwegian Spitzbergen fishing field. As well as catching and gutting the fish, the film also features them repairing their nets and standing around chatting over cigarettes. The trawler is twice filmed arriving at North Dock at Hull passing both people along the quayside and other fishing boats moored nearby. The final third of the film features beekeepers looking over hives in a garden and a group of adults going for a hike through the countryside. |
An amateur film made by Jack Stoddart primarily features men working onboard a trawler boat from Hull fishing for Cod in the Norwegian Spitzbergen fishing field. As well as catching and gutting the fish, the film also features them repairing their nets and standing around chatting over cigarettes. The trawler is twice filmed arriving at North Dock at Hull passing both people along the quayside and other fishing boats moored nearby. The final third of the film features beekeepers looking over...
An amateur film made by Jack Stoddart primarily features men working onboard a trawler boat from Hull fishing for Cod in the Norwegian Spitzbergen fishing field. As well as catching and gutting the fish, the film also features them repairing their nets and standing around chatting over cigarettes. The trawler is twice filmed arriving at North Dock at Hull passing both people along the quayside and other fishing boats moored nearby. The final third of the film features beekeepers looking over hives in a garden and a group of adults going for a hike through the countryside.
A trawler boat at sea bobbing up and down in the waves, a gull fly alongside the boat while on the water dozens of the birds bob up and down in the ships swell. On deck eight men in waterproof gear work to gut a catch of cod throwing the gutted fish onto a convey which goes down the middle of the boat. In the distance smoke from the funnel of another ship, possibly another trawler.
Three men use poles to bring in another catch of fish, the net is opened and the fish spill out onto the deck. A second catching is hauled onboard changing to the men working together to repairing their nets using netting needles.
The nets are tied up on deck as the trawler makes its way to the next fishing spot. At the wheel of the ship a member of the crew looking out to sea from the wheelhouse.
Four men stand on deck chatting over cigarettes, in the wheelhouse a man at the wheel and second one standing behind him. On the water gulls fighting over fish scraps.
A phantom ride along North Dock at Hull passing men, cars, and other fishing vessels. They pass a set of wooden doors, writing on them reads ‘West Dock Steam Fishing Co. Ltd’. Men on the deck of another trawler believed to be the S.T. Primella (H103) followed by the ship passing several large quayside buildings and cranes.
Back on board ship a man continuing to repair the nets quickly changing to another catch of cod being dropped onto the deck of the trawler. Two trawlermen, one with a cigarette hanging from his month, works to gut the fish throwing the fish onto the conveyor.
Sailing alongside the ship a second trawler changes to all the men on the deck working together to gut the last of the Cod. Four of the men work to repair the cork weights attached to the nets.
As the trawler approaches a harbour a larger cargo ship in front being towed in by tugboat. As the trawler approaches its quayside it passes other ships either docked or passing on its way back out to sea. A group of men and boys stand along the quayside the ship approaches, along with many other fishing and trawler boats moored up.
On deck a man in an officer’s uniform walks past, the boat continues to pass others in dock including the trawler Princess Elizabeth (H238).
In a garden a man looking over one of three beehives, nearby a woman in a hooded veil. She blows smoke from a cigarette onto one of the hives before lifting out one of the frames showing it to the camera. She lifts the shelf and cover of the hive revealing the shelf below containing more frames and bees. Again, she removes a frame and shows the camera which is covered in bees. A third man, not wearing a veil, stands holding a frame with the couple standing around him. More hive shelves are removed with the help of a bee smoker, bees fly in and out of the third hive.
A cat walks across the garden changing to a woman using a hoe on a vegetable patch. She is joined by a second woman; they chat and continue to work.
Two young women and a young man sit on a train chatting. At a railway station they and four other older men and women leave and begin a hike along a country road passing a bus stop and two cyclists riding past. The group come out of a Public Bar at an unknown public house, one of the men waves at the camera. Beside a fence the group feeding a horse in a field, as a joke one of the men places his flat cap onto the horse’s head.
The group continue their walk along a farmers track through a field. The film ends in another field with cows and the group sitting on the grass relaxing.